Friday 1 february at 16:00 o’clock the exhibition with the title ‘In traagheid schuilt het leven’ (Life is hidden in inertia) will be opened. The Jeroen Bosch Hospital is pleased to bring you in contact with the art of Marco Douma and Anneke Wasser through this exhibition. Art as comfort and distraction for patients, visitors and hospital staff.
For this exhibiton Marco Douma shows three videoworks of the Stille Beelden project. The goal of these videoworks is to bring the viewer into a state of ‘relaxed vigilance’. With this, the artist gives viewers the possibility to withdraw from the chaos they experience. Especially in a stressful environment as an hospital these video’s can be a welcome relaxation.
Duration exhibtion: 1 februay 2019 – 29 march 2019
Adress: Henri Dunantstraat 1, 5223 GZ, ‘s-Hertogenbosch
The opening of this exhibition will take place on Friday 1 February 2019 at 4 pm. You can sign up by sending an email to:
To see what Stille Beelden is about: