Zaterdag 19 & 20 mei van 13:00 – 19:00u
Opening om 16:00 uur op zaterdag 19 mei:
B.a.d Lab: Test Results #2: Niki van Strien, Marco Douma & Raquel Vermunt
B.a.d Lab: Test Results is a series of short-term exhibitions by artists from the B.a.d Foundation and beyond. Together they experiment with forms of exhibiting.
In B.a.d Lab: Test Results # 2 Raquel Vermunt, Marco Douma and Niki van Strien present their work. In this the sensory experience is central. These artists see the making of this exhibition as an extension of the process of making one’s own. In this exhibition, new substantive and visual connections between the (video) works and sound arise. Focusing in and out of attention is the basis – the audience can experience the texture of the image through stillness.
Stichting B.a.d / Foundation B.a.d
Talingstraat 5
3082MG Rotterdam

For this exhibition I showed a two vertical placed monitors videowork with a soundscape that I edited with the composition November by Dennis Johnson.
Still of the two videoscreens

Small piece on the wall by Niki van Strien, video by Marco Douma
Glass piece on the floor by Niki van Strien, video installation on the right by Raquel Vermunt