Group exhibition from 27 – 30 March (12pm – 6pm)
Opening on 26 March (5 pm – 10 pm)
During Art Rotterdam in Ahoy on Rotterdam South, the B.a.d Foundation (ten minutes away from Ahoy) is organising the group exhibition ϟ ENERGY ϟ. The exhibition features works by both members of the foundation and guest artists. The members all work in the artist’s building B.a.d in Rotterdam South.
ϟ ENERGY ϟ: studio building becomes museum
The exhibition shows the versatility of the artists of Stichting B.a.d. Scattered throughout the building, visitors come across the artworks, some of which were created especially for this exhibition. A routing takes visitors through the building and past the artworks, ending in the main hall of the building. A total of 29 artists’ work will be shown, including five international guest artists.
‘Energy’ is not so much a theme as a mindset. The exhibition shows the energy of the artists: the individual but certainly also the collective energy and the energy that comes from the building, the group of people and their pursuits. For five days, the artists of B.a.d will transform the building into the first museum in Rotterdam South.
Participating artists: Jan Bokma, Joke Olthaar, Anique Weve, Daan den Houter, Aletta de Jong, Janine Schrijver, Marco Douma, Roel Meelkop, Menno Verhoef, Karin Arink, Karin Trenkel, Martin Wijk, Maurice Meewisse, Jeroen Jongeleen, Frank Bruggeman, Barbara Helmer, Laurien Dumbar, Inge Aanstoot, Kamiel Verschuren, Xandra Nibbeling, André Schreuders, Dico Kruijsse, Carolin Lange, Antye Guenther, Pedro Cherino, Teresa Hunyadi, Ljubica Denkovic, Ania Yilmaz, Lio Spinnewijn, Sabine, Woudenberg, Yaroslava Krutova, Klara Frick
Stichting B.a.d
Talingstraat 5
3082MG Rotterdam