Live visuals for FEAN (Jan & Romke Kleefstra, Mariska Baars, Sylvain Chauveau, Rutger Zuydervelt).

Saturday 31 August 2019, 20:00
Cultura Nova, Savelbergklooster, Heerlen

More info and ticketss:

Buy their album at Moving Furniture Records

‘FEAN’ is artist in residence of Klanklânskippen, a multidisciplinary breeding ground and stage for experiment with the Frisian landscape as a source of inspiration. The artistic team of this project is formed by Piiptsjilling; the musicians Mariska Baars, Jan Kleefstra, Romke Kleefstra and Rutger Zuydervelt. They have invited three Belgian musicians for their residency. The jazz clarinetist and saxophone player Joachim Badenhorst, known for his improvisations. The French Sylvain Chauveau, who lives in Belgium: he makes minimal compositions for acoustic instruments, electronics and vocals. And Annelies Monseré, whose work was initially based on piano and instrumental pieces, but in which singing became a focal point. Musically, she experiments with various instruments such as cello, guitar, xylophone and melodica.